Saturday, June 2, 2012

Week 51 & 52

Soo....  I WROTE a blog for week 51, but never actually published it.  I'll just post it here, and then get on with the final post.

Week 51:

PJ Weight : 161.4
Week Gain +1.2
Cumulative Loss -30.2

Seth Weight: 181.4
Week Gain:  +2.8
Cumulative Loss:  -17.9

So.  Another stellar week.


I did experiment with quinoa this week, which was tasty.  Seth wasn't really a fan of the black bean and quinoa mix we went with, so we'll try a different recipe next time, but we've found a new and interesting side dish.

Also, we found the world's best diet food.  Weight Watchers blueberry muffins.  One taste of these and you won't want food again for at least an hour.  The overpowering medicine-like fake-blueberry taste will linger on your tongue despite the ingestion of any liquid or solid ingested with the purpose of dislodging it.

I considered cutting out my own tongue to get rid of it.  It was that good.  Imagine how much weight I'd probably have lost if I cut out my taste buds.  Right?

Diet superfood.


The truly disappointing thing is that their blueberry muffins used to be a little bigger and vastly better.  They evidently found the need to reduce the Point value of the muffins, and at the same time make them wholly inedible.

I shudder just thinking about them.

In any event, this is the second to last blog.  At this point, I'm pretty much done, though as ever, I'm frustrated with how quickly weight piles back on even when I'm not being BAD.  It's not like I've gone out and had cookies and ice cream every day for the past 3 weeks, yet I've brought home 5 of my lost pounds.

And now:

Week 52: The Final Blog

PJ Weight:  161.6
Week Gain:  +0.2
Final Cumulative Loss: 30.0

Seth Weight 181.4
Week Loss: 0.0
Cumulative Loss: 17.9

And so the blog experiment ends.

I'm kind of relieved.  A year is a long time to stay focused, and we really lost our focus over the last quarter. It's sort of fun to blog when you're on track and feeling motivated.  It's a lot harder when you're sick of the word 'diet' and all you want in the world is a bucket full of cannolis.

In any case, I not going to post any final before-and-after photos since the ones I posted way back whenever it was (January? maybe?) are likely better than any result I'd take now.  I'm plus a handful of pounds since then, and I'm not feeling motivated to find the camera.  You'll have to content yourself with this pretty graph:

(click to embiggen)

It's an interesting graph, and I'm kind of proud of it as it shows that we lost a whole bunch of weight.  So, yay.  It also shows that Seth regained about 10 pounds from his lightest, while I regained 5 from mine.  Even so, not so bad, really.  I'm proud of us.

Thus concludes the experiment.  I hope you've found our struggles interesting, entertaining, or better, both.  I may log back on at some point in the future and try another blog experiment.  Perhaps one day we'll try another exercise program, or something to that effect.  Until then, though, I'm officially done with diet blogging.

Where'd I put that bucket of cannolis?

(Just kidding.  Sort of.)