Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Week 34

PJ Weight:  156.2
Week Loss:  -2.4
Cumulative Loss:  -35.4

Seth Weight:  171.0
Week Loss: +1.2
Cumulative Loss:  -28.1

As of right now, we have 14 workouts and 2 rest days left before completing the 90 day cycle of the Power 90 program.  I could blog this week about how we've become so accustomed to getting up early every day to exercise that our day doesn't feel quite complete without it.  Or, I could blog about all the new routines we're eager to try once our remaining 2.5 weeks are done.

I would, of course, be lying like a starving used car salesman if I were to blog those things.

I'm pretty wiped out at this point.  I've never enjoyed exercise, and that hasn't changed.  I don't mind the Power 90 Phase 1 weight routine, since it's not that long.  The Fat Burning DVD that came as a bonus I similarly don't mind.  It has enough variety and isn't too in-your-face.  I wouldn't go so far as to say I enjoy either of them.  In theory, I like the idea of getting into better shape, but I'm tired.  We're taking at least a week off of exercise after we finish the 90 day program.  Then we'll see what we try.

My coworker (whose workout video collection rivals the library of congress for number of volumes, I swear) lent us the P90x dvd's and booklet to try, since we kind-of-liked Power 90.  After reading the accompanying booklet I'm ... profoundly skeptical.  The booklet has detailed descriptions of the moves contained in each DVD for the whole program.  I have a feeling some of the DVDs, if not most of them, will go back to her untried.

P90X just seems like too much.  All of the workouts are just TOO LONG.  Maybe someone with more free time wouldn't mind dedicating an hour and a half to a yoga workout, but seriously, I don't have that kind of time.  And I am not (REPEAT FOR THE SLOW KIDS: NOT!) going to be getting up at 5am to do an hour and a half workout before work.  This will not happen.  Not ever.

So we'll see whether we try any of the workouts from P90X.  But that's in another couple weeks.

For now I'll just celebrate my loss for the week.  And I'll celebrate going to the doctor for a physical and being applauded for losing weight since last she saw me.  Yay!  And I'll celebrate for Seth too, since he went to the doctor and didn't get yelled at (much).  So Yay for both of us.

And that concludes another week.  Can I have a pie now?

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Week 33

PJ Weight: 158.6
Week Gain:  +1.8 (ouch)
Cumulative Loss: -33.0

Seth Weight: 169.8
Week Gain: +0.2
Cumulative Loss: -29.3

Well, my eldest daughter Jade caught some kind of bug this week that sent her temperature through the roof (105+) and I was NOT concentrating at ALL on what, when or how much I was eating.

It shows.

The best I can say is that I'll try to do better in the coming week, assuming Raven doesn't catch the same bug.  (She was showing signs this evening that she might have... which makes me nervous.)

Gold stars to Seth & me for sticking with the workouts though.  Still didn't miss any even with Jade being sick.

In any event, this is another "whoops it's 10pm Wednesday and I still haven't blogged" blog, so I'm going to call it a day and hope that when I wake up in the morning my tiny little girl doesn't still have a fever!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Week 32

PJ Weight:  156.8
Week Loss:  -1.4
Cumulative Loss: -34.8

Seth Weight: 169.6
Week Loss: 0.0
Cumulative Loss: -29.5

After the long entry last week, I don't have a whole lot to say this week by comparison.  And since it's now 10pm and I just remembered "Oh crap, it's Wednesday and I haven't done my entry yet!" this is unlikely to be a long one.

I did want to mention that this week a coworker loaned me Turbo Jam, another Beachbody exercise program  coached by Chalene Johnson.  My coworker is a connoisseur of workout videos and has a vast collection.  When I mentioned we were looking for more variety and liked the P90 bonus DVD, she said she thought we might like to try this one.  Well, Seth & I have tried the "learn the moves" workout, and the shorter of the cardio workouts (20 mins) on the first disc, and have decided we hate this woman with a holy passion.

Where the familiar Tony of P90 is pretty laid back, and his DVD's are pretty subdued, Chalene is like some kind of hyperkinetic meth addict cheerleader doing a cardio routine to a soundtrack that kind of makes me want to die.  Luckily you can play without music (I think...) but still her moves are all dance-ish in nature, which I hate, since I'm completely uncoordinated and unaccustomed to (and relatively (ok, extremely) hostile toward) dance of any kind.  The editing of the 20 minute workout also bothered me, since we couldn't follow the moves easily since they were always cutting between Chalene and one of the 40,000 aerobic automatons backing her up, and the moves were very complicated (for us, as dance/aerobic n00bs) and the moves changed with alarming frequency.

So yeah.  That about sums it up.  We might try to make it through the weight routine that's in the Turbo Jam 2-dvd set just to give it one last chance, but it's a longer one at 45 minutes, and I'm thinking that will be WAAAAY too much Chalene.  More likely I'll be returning this one to my coworker with a "Thanks... but this chick is DEFINITELY not for us".  Maybe she has something a little less psycho-happy-dancing-cheerleader in her collection that she can recommend.  We shall see.

Also - 1.4 pound loss this week!  YAY! :-)

OK. That's it for this week folks.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Week 31: Happy New Year

PJ Weight:  158.2
Week Gain:  +0.4
Cumulative Loss:  -33.4

Seth Weight:  169.6
Week Loss:  -1.0
Cumulative Loss:  -29.5

As it turns out I have a lot to say this week, so I'll break the entry up into sections.

1.) Regarding this week's weigh in

So this past week I gained back my Christmas miracle weight, leaving me precisely where I was before the holidays.  Given the number of dinners and celebrations from the past 2 weeks, I'll take it and be happy with it.

But Seth - Somehow he managed to lose a pound this week and break into the 160's.  Go Seth!  I know that I often complain about the fact that men have an easier time dieting than women do since they get to eat more for their height, and their weight doesn't fluctuate during the month due to wild hormonal imbalances.  Even though it may be somewhat easier for guys, he's working hard.  He's making good food choices and is putting more into his morning workouts than I am of late.  Seth is doing an absolutely fantastic job and I'm proud of him.

2.) Changing up the Workout

Last Friday we tried the bonus DVD that came with the Power 90 workout.  I think it's called Power 90 Fat Burning System.  It's a 35 minute cardio routine that they recorded in Hawaii during 2006, so there's random shots of the ocean here and there, and the wireless mic Tony has leaves much to be desired as far as sound quality goes (this from Seth), but as a workout it's far superior to the cardio in the standard Power 90 package.

Many of the moves are the same as in the standard routines, but the arrangement of them makes all the difference here.  In the standard workout, there's stretching then yoga for about 5 minutes, then low impact for 5, and high impact jumping for 5, then some low/high impact for 5, some kicking for 5 and punching for 5. (Times are very rough guesses.)

The 'Fat Burning'  workout  mashes it up, so that you have 5 minute blocks with a little bit of everything in each block.  So even though I can't jump for any period of time, I can do it for 30 seconds, and then we're on to something else.  My heart rate was higher for longer during this workout, but despite that I felt it was much more doable, as well as more enjoyable.

3.) Why ladies with bunions shouldn't run

And this would be the story behind why Seth is working out so much harder than I have been these past few days.  Sunday we took the girls and dogs out for a walk because it was a nice day.  Sunday's our workout rest day and I had lots of energy.  The dogs wanted to run, so I ran with them for a little while.  Very little.  Perhaps a minute of running total, during the 30 minute walk.  I'd only run for a few seconds at a time now and again when the pups would want to go fast.

For this minute of canine joy I've been treated to shin pain for the past 3 days.  Mr. Internet has all kinds of helpful  things to say about shin pain encountered by beginner runners and what you're doing wrong if you get shin pain.  As far as I can tell, it's because I have bunions, which makes me... under pronate? over pronate?  who the heck knows.  My gait is wrong, and that means I'm not running with proper form, and that leads to shin splints.  I've known i have some kind of pronation problem for years because my heels of my shoes wear *very* unevenly.

All this serves to tell me is that I'm not built for running, which I already knew.  I just hate to have the lesson reinforced in such an uncomfortable manner.  (Yes, yes...  I know there are all kinds of things you can try, or special exercises you can do, or special shoes... bah.  If I need to go fast I'll take a car.)  But in any event, I've had to take it even easier on the jumping  because I need to let the shins heal up, so I've not been going whole hog in the cardio workouts since Sunday.

This too will pass.

4.)  A picture? It's about time!

Another big reason I'm not upset with my weight gain this week relates to this picture.  The before shot (left) was taken October 31st.  The after (right) was taken January 1st.  Now, there's a 5 pound difference on the scale between those two pictures, but it looks to me like a lot more than 5 pounds.  So I'm not all that distraught over a 0.4 pound gain.  I'm packing on muscle.

5.) And while I'm sharing pictures:

The left was taken on May 31st, the night before we started.
The right is January 1st.  
Not much to say - it's worth a thousand words.