Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Week 32

PJ Weight:  156.8
Week Loss:  -1.4
Cumulative Loss: -34.8

Seth Weight: 169.6
Week Loss: 0.0
Cumulative Loss: -29.5

After the long entry last week, I don't have a whole lot to say this week by comparison.  And since it's now 10pm and I just remembered "Oh crap, it's Wednesday and I haven't done my entry yet!" this is unlikely to be a long one.

I did want to mention that this week a coworker loaned me Turbo Jam, another Beachbody exercise program  coached by Chalene Johnson.  My coworker is a connoisseur of workout videos and has a vast collection.  When I mentioned we were looking for more variety and liked the P90 bonus DVD, she said she thought we might like to try this one.  Well, Seth & I have tried the "learn the moves" workout, and the shorter of the cardio workouts (20 mins) on the first disc, and have decided we hate this woman with a holy passion.

Where the familiar Tony of P90 is pretty laid back, and his DVD's are pretty subdued, Chalene is like some kind of hyperkinetic meth addict cheerleader doing a cardio routine to a soundtrack that kind of makes me want to die.  Luckily you can play without music (I think...) but still her moves are all dance-ish in nature, which I hate, since I'm completely uncoordinated and unaccustomed to (and relatively (ok, extremely) hostile toward) dance of any kind.  The editing of the 20 minute workout also bothered me, since we couldn't follow the moves easily since they were always cutting between Chalene and one of the 40,000 aerobic automatons backing her up, and the moves were very complicated (for us, as dance/aerobic n00bs) and the moves changed with alarming frequency.

So yeah.  That about sums it up.  We might try to make it through the weight routine that's in the Turbo Jam 2-dvd set just to give it one last chance, but it's a longer one at 45 minutes, and I'm thinking that will be WAAAAY too much Chalene.  More likely I'll be returning this one to my coworker with a "Thanks... but this chick is DEFINITELY not for us".  Maybe she has something a little less psycho-happy-dancing-cheerleader in her collection that she can recommend.  We shall see.

Also - 1.4 pound loss this week!  YAY! :-)

OK. That's it for this week folks.

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