Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Week 13 - A new scale and some steak

Weight:                       167.8
Week Gain:               +1.8
Cumulative Loss:    23.8

RE: This Week's Gain

This week we got a new scale.

Our old one was starting to give us some very wacky numbers, and now the new one registers between 1.5 and 2.5 heavier than the old.  I believe the new one is more accurate, though, and it returns the same result every time.  Not so with the old one.  The old one told me last night that two 20-lb weights were 41 lbs and 38 lbs within a space 10 minutes.  I believe the poor thing has slipped into its dotage.

There's no way to know for sure whether or not I truly gained weight this week, since all of the weigh-ins I've done so far were on the old broken scale.  I'll just call it a penalty for using a rigged scale for the past however-long, and move on.

It's still damned depressing to see a higher number.  Oh well.  On the bright side, the number on the new scale is still well below the number I started at, and from now on I can have a little more confidence in the numbers I see when I weigh in.  And hey, I'll get to celebrate the 25 pound mark again...  Wheee?

RE: Next Week's Gain

I don't expect this coming week will see a loss.  Seth & I are going out on Friday night to celebrate our 6th anniversary, and we are having a night of ANTI-DIET.

We'll be going to Ruth's Chris steakhouse before seeing The Book of Mormon in the city (first row balcony - center), and I plan on having a nice sized steak (they broil them in butter!), some fried potato product of some kind, possibly a few dessert-ish drinks and certainly the creme brulee for dessert.  I'm tempted to skip the steak and potatoes and just order 5 creme brulees.  Their creme brulee is quite possibly my favorite food of all time.

Even if I'm very good with the diet all of this coming week, this one meal is probably equivalent to several days worth of calories.  I don't imagine I'll be losing anything this week.  I'm willing to accept that in order to have a nice anniversary outing.

That's all 'til next time, folks!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Week 12

Weight:                    166.0
Week Loss:              2.2
Cumulative Loss:      25.6

25 pound mark - wheee!

As of this week, I'm officially a size 14 again.  I wore my size 14's to work for the first time on Monday.  It's nice to be in pants that aren't 2 sizes too big, and going from wearing super-baggy pants at work to those that fit made the weight loss pretty obvious to my coworkers.  Evidently I had size 18's and size 14's... and nothing in between.  In any event, all the compliments were very encouraging.

Unfortunately, I have size 16 jeans, and size 12.  So now my around-the-house clothes are going to be baggy for a while.

In other news, Seth's hit a plateau with his diet the past 2 weeks, which is driving him crazy.  I can understand.  He's been doing everything right and the weight just won't budge.  I'd just like to say he's doing a fantastic job and I'm very, very proud of him.

Keep going Seth!  You can do it! <3

And when I hit a plateau, he can cheerlead for me.  I'll allow him to skip the skirt and the pom-poms.  That would just be disturbing.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Week 11: Stats & a rant

Weight                       168.2
Week Loss                 1.0
Cumulative Loss     23.4

This week was Jade's 2nd birthday, which I really can't believe.  We went to IHOP for a birthday brunch which everyone thoroughly enjoyed.  It was not a diet-friendly meal.  Note my lack of caring.  It's IHOP.

Seth came down to my office toward last week with the girls to take me to lunch.  We were at our favorite pizzeria (I only had a slice and a half, so I'd stay on track) and we had a good time.

--begin rant--

As we were packing up to leave a woman said to me "Wow, you've got your hands full!  You had them so close together!  And you're doing it again?!"

I said: "No... ... I'm not doing it again."

I did not *facepalm*

I did not say:  "Thanks, lady.  Really.  Not pregnant.  Thanks.  Appreciate it.  No really."


Nor did I take any action that would result in the involvement of uniformed individuals and the use of words like "felony assault charges".

I do kind of wish I'd done some of those things.

The story above serves to illustrate two points:
1.)  I still have a long way to go.
2.)  People are idiots.

It also is a fabulous example of why you should never, ever, assume a lady is pregnant unless she's in labor, and even then, hey you really don't know, it could just be some bad heartburn.


--end rant--

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Week 10

Week 10: August 10, 2011
Weight:              169.2
Week Loss:           1.8
Cumulative Loss:    22.4

Seth's lost a total of 18 pounds to date, which brings the family total up to 40 pounds.  An impressive total, if I do say so myself.  Seth & me on the scale before the diet equals Seth, me, Jade and Raven on the scale now.  How about that?

I didn't really do anything different this week, but the weight loss has definitely slowed somewhat. The scale didn't really budge up until this very morning.  I was expecting a much smaller loss, but the diet gods had mercy. That makes me think it's only going to get harder from here on out.  Plus, now that I'm in the 160's I get one less Weight Watchers Point.

The reward for good dieting: less food.


This coming week is going to be particularly challenging.  We're taking Jade to IHOP for her birthday brunch - and I'm getting pancakes and hash browns, damn it!  Not getting them would be something approaching cruel & unusual punishment.  Back when I was pregnant and had gestational diabetes I promised myself a good hearty IHOP meal once I was able to have it again, and I never got it.  My time is now!

That said, I'll have to try to be especially good the rest of the week so as not to see bad numbers on the scale come next Wednesday.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Week 9

Week 9:  August 3, 2011
Weight:              171.0
Week Loss:           2.0
Cumulative Loss:  20.6

Quote of the week:
"If you live a long life, it will be a testament to the self-control of your friends." 
- From an e-fortune cookie. The truth of this one made me giggle.

Though, joking aside, my best friend in the world has excellent self-control.  Seth's doing an amazing job, and he's down a total of 17 pounds, bringing our combined total to around 38 pounds!  And I passed the 20 pound mark, Raven discovered her toes, and Jade went to bed last night without a fuss so gold stars all around for the Mintzes.

While I lost a good amount this week, I found this week that my motivation has flagged a bit.  It's been small things - mostly I just haven't been keeping as close an eye on how many Points I've been eating in a day.  I'm relatively sure I've been within my range for the day each day this week, but where I've been absolutely certain in weeks past, this week there was doubt for a few of the days.

It could just be that I was crazed at work and then nutty with the kids when I was home and didn't have time to think about it.  In any case, it's something I should try to keep in mind.

Who knows?  Maybe just stopping to think about it now and write about it here will help.  This whole blogging thing is a motivation experiment, so I guess we'll see.

Speaking of motivation and the lack thereof, I'd just like to note that I signed up for a 6-month trial of Jenny Craig.  When I stopped ordering food, their half-hearted 'counseling' phone calls stopped without any warning.  I don't mind since I thought they were a complete waste of time, but if the calls are just so you can buy food - why have them?  Why not just give you the ability to buy food online, and leave it at that?

I give the Weight Watchers program credit here: their meeting leaders are inspirational and genuinely want you to succeed (at least, all the ones I've met have been).  The at-home version of Jenny Craig that we tried doesn't come close.  I'd sign up for meetings again in a heartbeat if Seth could come with me.  Alas, the little ones make that impossible for now.