Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Week 9

Week 9:  August 3, 2011
Weight:              171.0
Week Loss:           2.0
Cumulative Loss:  20.6

Quote of the week:
"If you live a long life, it will be a testament to the self-control of your friends." 
- From an e-fortune cookie. The truth of this one made me giggle.

Though, joking aside, my best friend in the world has excellent self-control.  Seth's doing an amazing job, and he's down a total of 17 pounds, bringing our combined total to around 38 pounds!  And I passed the 20 pound mark, Raven discovered her toes, and Jade went to bed last night without a fuss so gold stars all around for the Mintzes.

While I lost a good amount this week, I found this week that my motivation has flagged a bit.  It's been small things - mostly I just haven't been keeping as close an eye on how many Points I've been eating in a day.  I'm relatively sure I've been within my range for the day each day this week, but where I've been absolutely certain in weeks past, this week there was doubt for a few of the days.

It could just be that I was crazed at work and then nutty with the kids when I was home and didn't have time to think about it.  In any case, it's something I should try to keep in mind.

Who knows?  Maybe just stopping to think about it now and write about it here will help.  This whole blogging thing is a motivation experiment, so I guess we'll see.

Speaking of motivation and the lack thereof, I'd just like to note that I signed up for a 6-month trial of Jenny Craig.  When I stopped ordering food, their half-hearted 'counseling' phone calls stopped without any warning.  I don't mind since I thought they were a complete waste of time, but if the calls are just so you can buy food - why have them?  Why not just give you the ability to buy food online, and leave it at that?

I give the Weight Watchers program credit here: their meeting leaders are inspirational and genuinely want you to succeed (at least, all the ones I've met have been).  The at-home version of Jenny Craig that we tried doesn't come close.  I'd sign up for meetings again in a heartbeat if Seth could come with me.  Alas, the little ones make that impossible for now.

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