Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Week 41

PJ Weight:  156.2
Week Loss: -1.2
Cumulative Loss: -35.4

Seth Weight: 173.0
Week Loss:   -0.2
Cumulative Loss:  -25.9

The past few days have been so warm and lovely.  It's really starting to feel like the home stretch of this year-long diet.  With 70 degree days, May 31st (our end date) is surely right around the corner.

On Tuesday morning I saw the lowest number I've seen on a scale in years: 156.0.  Seeing a number that's lower than anything I've seen for so long is very encouraging.  It makes me think that perhaps I might even be able to lose another couple of pounds before my year wraps up.  I hope so.

We never did get back on an exercise routine.  Now that it's warming up outside, I'd really like to take the dogs for walks in the mornings.  Unfortunately that's not an activity that Seth & I can do together, since the girls will still be asleep, and even if they were up it's quite a production getting the whole family out for a walk what with the stroller and the leashes, and keeping Jade in hand.  We'll see if that happens.

In any event, while I wish the 156.0 was the number I saw this morning "officially", 156.2 is tied for my lowest official weigh in so I'll take it.  Here's hoping next week is even lower.

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