Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Week 22

PJ Weight:  159.6
Week Loss: -1.4
Cumulative Loss: -32.0

Seth Weight:  173.8
Week Gain: +0.2
Cumulative Loss: -25.3

I survived Halloween week with a hearty loss to show for it - I've finally made it down into the 150's.  Unfortunately Seth had a not quite as great week, but he had a 2 pound loss last week, so it evens out.  I had one of those weeks the week before last.  They happen.  I'M STILL VERY PROUD OF YOU, SETH!

My Halloween strategy was this:  I get 5 pieces of candy on Halloween, and I set aside points for all the leftover candy I consume.  No sitting down to a stack of candies this year.  (There's nothing quite like eating yourself sick on your favorite candies, and swearing that you never, ever want to see another Reeses' Piece or Snickers bar as long as you live.  I missed that this year.  Alas.)

But I had a plan and I stuck to it, so yay, gold star for me.

The exciting news of the day: Today I wore size 10 pants to work!

Everybody at the office is calling me Skinny Minnie, and I got a whole bunch of compliments.  My personal favorite was that I look like I'm a size 6 (thanks Jen).  Knowing that I've lost enough to really be noticeable is really a wonderful motivator, so I appreciate all of the positive comments.

We also took the plunge and ordered our Power90 exercise DVD's, so that's a thing and it's happening.  We joined an old-friend-I-rediscovered-on-Facebook's team beachbody challenge, which means there will be  a few of us doing programs at the same time, sharing experiences and giving support and the like.  And it's nominally possible we'll win stuff.  (But as I never win anything, this will not happen.)

The challenge starts up on November 15th, so we'll be starting 2 weeks earlier than we'd originally planned.  I'll have to cherish "sleeping in" til 7am each and every day until then.  We're going to have to rise and shine pretty early to fit in the workouts before I go to work.

With that thought in mind, I'll now scuttle off to bed to appreciate said sleep.

Have a great week!

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