Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Week 26: Halfway There

PJ Weight: 159.4
Week Gain: +0.4
Cumulative Loss: -32.2

Seth Weight: 173.0
Week Loss: -1.4
Cumulative Loss: -26.1

Ah Thanksgiving - an inauspicious start to the second half of our year-long diet experiment.  Well, for me it's inauspicious.

Seth, evidently, can eat his face off for a week and lose weight.  Sigh.  But yay for Seth.  His loss this week brings our cumulative Team Mintz loss total to 58.3 pounds!  That's certainly something to be thankful for.

All the sundry sweets and naughty nibbles of this past week weighed heavily on my scale this morning, but they weigh only lightly on my conscience.  We had a lovely weekend away, and made some great memories, so I regret not a bit(e) of it.

We kind of blew the exercise routine.  It was just too hectic to keep up while we were away, so we missed 3 days' worth of the program.  (Hey - we did one day while we were away - we get a gold star for that!) But now that we're back home, we're back on track.  I even had an easier time with the cardio program after having been off for a few days, so let's hear it for the accidental benefits of sloth!  Yay!

In any case, I feel like this long Thanksgiving weekend was a great holiday from the diet, and it was a welcome break.  Perhaps it's wrong to celebrate a half a year's dieting success with pecan pie, candied sweet potatoes, various fast food lunches, and chocolate & reeses chip cookies, but if that's wrong then I don't want to be right!

(In other unrelated news, I found the size 12 pants that I knew I owned but were mysteriously missing.  And I found them just in time for me to be out of them and into my size 10's.  Timing in life is everything.  Sigh.)

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