Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Week 3

Week 3: June 22, 2011
Weight:              181.8
Week Loss:           2.7
Cumulative Loss:    9.8

Another great week.  Our blend of Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers continues in full force, with extremely gratifying success.

Seth's down 9.7 pounds, so the Team Mintz Weight Loss Tally is at 19.5 pounds.  Go Team Go!

Now, for those who are unfamiliar with Weight Watchers, let me explain how we're tracking what we're eating.  

WW uses a Points system.  Points are a simple value assigned to a food based on some obscure mathematical formula involving Calories, Fat and Fiber.  I hear that the newest version of the Points system takes Protein into account as well, but the older version we're following doesn't.  To calculate the Points value for a food you can either use a little slide rule that WW gives out to newbies if you have the nutritional info label handy, or you use rules of thumb from their info booklets such as 1 oz of white meat chicken = 1 point.  You get to eat a certain number of Points each day based on your weight, activity level, gender, age and height.

Right now Seth gets 31 points.  I get 24 plus 5 because I'm breastfeeding.  If I were breastfeeding exclusively I would get another 5 above that, but I have to supplement with formula more and more frequently lately, so we'll just call it 29.

And yes, with 5 extra above-and-beyond points, I still get less than Seth.  That's because men get 6 points more than women do right off the bat, just for being men.  

Obviously, this is because God is a misogynist.  

Women get the joys of menstruation and then get to to go through labor.  What do men get?  Bonus Points.  Fabulous.

And then He said "Let all men eat an extra piece of cake while still losing weight."  And there was cake.  And it was good.

OK, the cake is a lie - he doesn't get THAT many more points, and besides it makes God sound like Marie Antoinette.  Oops.  But the point is that Seth still gets way more food than I do when I'm not breastfeeding, which sucks.  (For the Portal Geeks: You see what I did there?  Heh.)

But in any case, my vision of sitting down and planning menus for an entire week ahead of time has not yet come to pass.  I'll stick to planning a day here and a day there.  I have the menus we used from this past weekend while we were doing WW rather than Jenny Craig.  I'm going to save them and build on them and come up with new ones.  Hopefully we'll get enough days' worth of menus that it eventually becomes easier.  Eventually I'll have a variety of days to choose from and I'll be able to mix and match.

So long 'til next week!

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