Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Week 35

PJ Weight: 156.8
Week Gain: +0.6
Cumulative Loss: -34.8

Seth Weight: 170.0
Week Loss: -1.0
Cumulative Loss:  -29.1

The plateau continues...
and continues...

We've both been at about the same weight now for about two months.  Perhaps we've put on some more muscle with the exercising, but the scale is frustrating.

I'm got to admit we've fallen off the diet wagon a lot more often lately, too.  Yesterday there was an Indian buffet lunch (ohgodyummyfood) and on Sunday there was a half of a tray of brownies.  (At least it wasn't a whole tray of brownies. Right?)  I will also say, though, that both of these things were so amazingly welcome and appreciated that I can't even begin to feel guilty about it.  So there.

But I have been more lax with the diet restrictions, and part of it is certainly out of a sense of frustration.  And I can clearly see it's the beginnings of the self-defeating, self-fulfilling prophecy that has been my bane in the past. "I might as well have that [fill in yummy food item here] because it's not like I'm going to lose weight this week anyway."

Noticing that is one thing.  Harder is to actually do something about it.

As to that, my first step toward "doing something" is to blog about it.  So here I am.  Aaaand what's next?



Perhaps setting a goal?  OK.  My goal right now is to get down to averaging 155.  Yes, I'm only 1.8 pounds above that, but since I've been floating between 156 and 158 for a couple months, it's going to take some kind of new and different effort to get there.

Progress! I have a goal.  Now I need a plan to achieve it.

Specific things to try.

1.)  Eat less donuts.
    It's not every morning, but more often than not during the week I've been having a donut for breakfast.  It started with those holiday star donuts, but I loved having them in the mornings, and I was technically fitting them into my calorie intake / weight watchers points, so I haven't cut back on the habit as sharply as I should have once they disappeared.  Perhaps I'll say I can have two days with a donut for breakfast per week.  That doesn't sound impossible.

2.) Stop eating out of the Cheerios container.
   Raven has started on her first real solid foods - Cheerios.  So I feed her one. And me a couple.  And her one. And me a handful.  Continue until both of us are full of cheerios.  I'll try to cut back the unconscious Cheerio grazing.  It's a lot of calories that I'm not really keeping track of when I'm just eating out of the big container.  I'll set myself aside a little bowl if I feel I have to have them.

OK - That's enough of a plan for now I think.  It's a pair of points that I can work on, but nothing too crazy.  I could make all kinds of vows about healthy this, and at least five servings of veggies every day that, but I'm not going to.  At this point I'm so sick of dieting, the thought of trying for the whole gung-ho diet makes me cringe.

So we'll go back to baby steps and see how it goes.  One day at a time, right?

Thanks for sticking with me while I babble at you!

1 comment:

  1. Making substitutions can go a looong way in the long run. It's not a matter of being drastic, just being smarter about choices. :)

    Good luck! And great reading these...
